
Saturday, February 12, 2011

February Update

It's been awhile since we've posted on this blog, but it's a new year and we're changing all of that. BR and Timebomb just celebrated our 8-year anniversary Friday February 4 at Kenny's Castaways and it was one of the sickest shows we've ever put on! Maria Kenny and the folks at her club have always been great to deal with, and they let us program the whole night, and what a line-up it was: Devlin Miles, Melanie Edwards, Ganessa James, Illard Scott, Swift Technique, Stephanie White and the Philth Harmonic, and us.

The highlight for us was being able to collaborate with these artists we've known and performed alongside for years. Devlin and Ganessa joined us for our cover of "Empire State of Mind." It was actually Devlin's idea that we cover this song in the first place, and Devlin and Ganessa paired with Shanelle for an amazing harmony, along with BR's original verses. They actually shut up the rhythm section in rehearsal (very hard to do, trust me). Melanie's rhythm section was Stacy on bass and Jibrail on drums, and she brought Shanelle on stage for her songs, "Laboratorium" and "Who's Gonna Color in the Middle?" Stephanie White joined us on vox for "It's On You" and brought BR out for his verse on "Trying to Dream for You" during her set. She also had Shanelle and Olivia back her up on a cover of Christina Aguilera's "Fighter."

Timebomb backed up Illard Scott for his whole set, and we also brought him on for fan favorite "Don't Be Late." The version with his verse is on BR's "David Hustlehoff Project" mixtape, and we performed it together all last summer. Finally, we'd planned to have the three horn players from Swift Technique join us for Shanelle's new track, "Time Is Now." They literally got off the road from Philadelphia and had just enough time to take off their coats before jumping on stage with us!

So, what's next? BR and Timebomb are part of the Tribeca Performing Arts Center's "The Next Voice You Hear" program this year on April 8, 2011. Here's a link to their calendar:
And we just confirmed yesterday that we'll be performing in front of the Lincoln Memorial on May 14 with our friends in the Grey Area, a guitar and drums duo originally from NYC who now live in the D.C. area. Stay tuned for more as we fill out our spring and summer tour schedule!