We've had a busy, exciting summer so far. Excitement isn't always good, but most of the time it is. Read on...
We played an outdoor party July 9 for the Rutgers Houses on the Lower East Side. Great event all around. This was our second time working with DJ Rocksteady, who we met last month at the benefit for Immigrant Social Services. There were some performances of traditional Chinese songs and dance early in the day, barbecues for the residents, and us. We had a great time, picked up some new fans, etc. Also really enjoyed checking out ALB, All Legal Business, an emcee collective from uptown.
Then we got on the road for our second show in Ardmore, PA, at the Nail. Never made it. One of our cars died on the NJ Turnpike, and we sat at an autobody shop in NJ until about 1am. We're sorry we missed that show, but it could've been worse. Nobody got hurt, and the mechanics were pretty cool people. Shouts to Stacy Sr. for helping us get back home.
Last week, we filmed the 50th episode of "Minding Your Business," with June Middleton, on Manhattan Neighborhood Network (cable access in NYC). June and her crew are fantastic, and we were honored to work with them again, especially for this show! It airs in August.
This past Saturday was the first Bed-Stuy Live! Music Festival. We talked about it in our last post. Playing outdoors during our record-breaking heat wave was a challenge, for sure. Definitely enjoyed checking out the other acts. Shout outs to People's Champs, Rain of Kings, etc., as well as Karnage and Sanctum for making it happen.
We got a couple more outdoor shows coming up, one with Swift Technique! Hope it's under 100 degrees for those. Then, we're back at the legendary Bitter End August 20. Stay cool.